We, governments, international and regional organizations, international and regional financial institutions,
philanthropic and private sector entities, and organizations from the climate, environment, development,
humanitarian, and peace sectors, as identified below.
On the occasion of the 28th UN Climate Change Conference, the first Global Stocktake under the Paris
Agreement, as well as the first Relief, Recovery and Peace Day at a COP, call for bolder collective action to
build climate resilience at the scale and speed required in highly vulnerable countries and communities,
particularly those threatened or affected by fragility or conflict, or facing severe humanitarian needs, many
of which are Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States.
We stress that an ambitious, immediate scale up of enhanced support is urgently needed in such situations,
including financial resources; technical and institutional capacities; local, national, regional partnerships; and
data and information, recognizing the importance of complementarity and predictability.
Recalling the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement, and the
promise of leaving no one behind in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and cognizant of the
suffering created by the effects of climate change, environmental degradation and biodiversity loss and the
importance of averting, minimizing, and addressing loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of
climate change,
Recognizing that many of the people, communities, and countries threatened or affected by fragility or
conflict, or facing severe humanitarian needs, are on the frontlines of the climate crisis, and are among the
least resourced to cope with and adapt to associated shocks and stressors,
Acknowledging that fragility and conflict increase people’s vulnerability and exposure to climate hazards and
impede coping capacity and adaptation options, and that, at the same time, climate change adversely affects
lives, livelihoods, infrastructure, water, human capital, food, health, cultural identity, education, and human
settlements, among other spheres, exacerbating humanitarian needs and constituting a significant and
growing challenge to stability,
Alarmed by the disproportionate and intersecting effects of climate change, conflict, fragility and/or
humanitarian crises on women and girls, children and young people, indigenous peoples and local
communities, people with disabilities, older persons, and on refugees, other displaced persons, and their
hosting communities, among other populations,
Deeply concerned that global efforts to build climate resilience remain insufficiently tailored or targeted to the
specific needs and challenges of people, communities and countries threatened or affected by fragility or
conflict, or facing severe humanitarian needs, including due to real and perceived risks and barriers associated
with working in such settings,
Emphasizing that climate action in these settings is possible and if managed properly, can offer avenues for
sustainable development, conflict prevention and inclusive peace building,
Taking note of and supporting critically important efforts to evolve the international financial architecture,
and building on efforts and initiatives such as the COP26 Taskforce on Access to Climate Finance, the
COP27 Presidency’s Climate Responses for Sustaining Peace (CRSP), the UN Climate Security Mechanism,
the Climate for Peace Initiative, and the Early Warnings for All Initiative,
We commit to pursue, in line with our respective mandates, in partnership with international, regional,
national, and local actors, and in alignment with existing instruments, particularly national adaptation
plans or other adaptation strategies, the following objectives in the context of climate change in situations
of fragility, conflict, or severe humanitarian needs: