To facilitate operationalization of the objectives outlined in the COP28 Declaration on Climate, Relief, Recovery and Peace, governments and agencies are encouraged to contribute to an initial ‘Package of Solutions’. More information on the types of contributions can be found in the “Frequently Asked Questions” document included in the Declaration. 



Enhanced financial support for climate adaptation and resilience by:

Strengthening the technical and institutional capacity of national gov’t and local actors to leverage climate finance effectively
- At least 50% of Acted’s climate/green programming includes institutional, technical and organizational capacity building for local partners, communities and, authorities to ensure localization of climate adaptation capacities utilizing Acted’s organizational capacity development approach


#4 Prioritizing local ownership, impact, and results where possible, including through channeling finance at the local level to respond to local needs and priorities and #12 promoting leadership and empowerment of affected groups

- 100% of ACTED’s climate/green programming is rooted in community-based needs assessments and consultations prioritizing local mitigation and adaptation needs for affected communities

- At least 30% of Acted’s climate/green programming includes innovate financial schemes (grants, community profit shares, etc) to local communities and partners for direct community involvement and implementation

- At least 50% of climate/green programming includes capacity building for local partners, communities, authorities on climate change, climate commitments, capacity building and/or organizational support to implement community commitments


Understand and improve good practice and programming by:


#7 Investing in design, piloting, delivery and scaling of climate adaptation programming.

- Acted will strive to increase climate adaptation and mitigation programming across our programming portfolio to reach 25% by 2025

- Acted will engage in anticipatory planning and advocate for strong anticipatory action as part of humanitarian funding for climate, disaster, and conflict affected countries including in project design and implementation.


Strengthen coordination, collaboration, and partnerships by:


#13 Optimizing complementarity of mandates and expertise across climate, development, humanitarian, disaster risk management, and peace actors to further the efficiency,
sustainability, and effectiveness of short- and long-term investments

- Acted will engage and develop partnerships with complimentary organizations to support a nexus approach to climate action within humanitarian response ensuring technical collaborations, anticipatory action and effective project implementation.

Please indicate if you are interested in having your contribution featured in public communications or events at COP28