To facilitate operationalization of the objectives outlined in the COP28 Declaration on Climate, Relief, Recovery and Peace, governments and agencies are encouraged to contribute to an initial ‘Package of Solutions’. More information on the types of contributions can be found in the “Frequently Asked Questions” document included in the Declaration.


The GEF Secretariat, in alignment with its mandate and programming strategy for 2022-2026, will support the COP28 Declaration on Climate, Relief, Recovery, and Peace, as follows.




  1. Strengthening the technical and institutional capacity of national governments and local actors for climate adaptation programming; continued monitoring of approved funding for climate resilience for fragile and conflict-affected states; supporting programming that serves the most vulnerable populations and communities, including through preparedness and prevention, early warning and anticipatory and early action, and disaster risk management; promote nature-based solutions; sustainable agriculture; building climate-smart infrastructure and resilient food, water, and energy systems; and enhancing gender-equality as well as empowering civil society, indigenous peoples, youth, and other vulnerable populations.

    The above objectives will be delivered on through the GEF programming outlined below.



    1. Each Least Developed Country (LDC), including fragile and/or conflict-affected LDCs, may access up to $20 million in grant finance to support climate resilience through the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF);

    2. Each non-LDC Small Island Developing State (SIDS), including fragile and conflict-affected states, may access $3 million in grant finance to enhance climate resilience, through the Special Climate Change Fund.


  2. Strengthening local ownership for adaptation solutions; enhancing access to funding; enhancing national and local capacity to design, implement and monitor robust adaptation solutions.

The GEF will support these objectives through its Dedicated Program on ‘Outreach and Capacity Support for LDC and SIDS Planning and Programming for Climate Change Adaptation’. As a part of this Dedicated Program, the GEF Secretariat is hosting a series of regional and sub-regional workshops and sponsoring the participation of national adaptation experts, national UNFCCC focal points, civil society organizations, and GEF Operational and Political Focal Points. These workshops are an opportunity for participants to learn about how to access support from the GEF and other climate funds.