We, the UNFCCC COP28 and COP30 Presidencies, CBD COP15 and COP16 Presidencies, UNCCD COP15 Presidency*, and chairs of the undersigned partnerships, initiatives and coalitions:



  • Recognizing that the growing and projected impacts of climate change critically threaten biodiversity and the billions of livelihoods dependant on high-integrity ecosystems;


  • Noting that continued loss and degradation of nature increases climate vulnerability, contributes to significant greenhouse gas emissions, and impedes sustainable development;


  • Acknowledging that efforts which promote sustainable land management, drought resilience and ocean health provide cross-cutting benefits to action on climate change, biodiversity loss, and sustainable development;


  • Underscoring that acting on climate change, biodiversity loss, land degradation and ocean health in an ambitious, integrated and synergetic manner provides mutually reinforcing benefits for increasing resilience and securing sustainable livelihoods, while reducing negative trade-offs;


  • Reaffirming the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement[1], the Chile Madrid Time for Action, the Glasgow Climate Pact, the Sharm el-Sheikh Implementation Plan, the CBD and its Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and noting the UN Environment Assembly Resolution 5/5, UN General Assembly Resolution 76/300;


  • Recognizing the value of international, regional and local cooperation, especially in the form of voluntary partnerships, initiatives and coalitions that support governments in the integrated implementation of existing commitments and obligations, including through enhancing resource mobilization, capacity building, and scientific and technical assistance;



In this year of the first Global Stocktake, and on the occasion of convening at COP28 during Nature, Land Use and Ocean Day, we affirm that there is no path to fully achieve the near- and long-term goals of the Paris Agreement or the 2030 goals and targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework without urgently addressing climate change, biodiversity loss and land degradation together in a coherent, synergetic and holistic manner, in accordance with the best available science.



In striving to achieve these goals in an integrated manner, we therefore affirm our commitment to strengthen our respective and shared efforts, including through voluntary partnerships, initiatives and coalitions, and in accordance with the Paris Agreement and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, to work collaboratively and expeditiously to pursue the following common objectives:



1. Fostering stronger synergies, integration and alignment in the planning and implementation of national climate, biodiversity and land restoration plans and strategies, with specific emphasis on ambition, comprehensiveness and coherence between the next round of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), updated National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), and forthcoming revised National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs), as appropriate/within their respective mandates, and the implementation of a whole-of-government approach that mainstreams coherence, coordination and the efficient use of resources within and between relevant ministries and departments;



2. Scaling of finance and investments for climate and nature from all sources, including domestic budgets, multilateral development banks, multilateral climate and biodiversity funds, bilateral development agencies, private sectors actors, and philanthropic sources, in a synergetic, dedicated and progressive manner that ensures the promotion of co-benefits and efficient use through nature-based solutions and/or ecosystem based approaches, and access to finance in an inclusive and equitable manner, including through direct access modalities, in particular for indigenous peoples, local communities, women, girls, and youth, among others;



3. Ensuring the full, equitable, inclusive, and effective representation and participation of indigenous peoples, local communities, women, girls, youth, and other vulnerable communities in the planning and implementation of climate and biodiversity plans and strategies at all levels, in a manner respecting rights, enhancing land tenure security, and utilizing traditional knowledge;



4. Promoting a whole-of-society approach in the synergetic planning and implementation of national climate, biodiversity and land restoration plans and strategies that draws upon and includes the contributions of indigenous peoples, local communities, civil society including women, youth and children, the private sector, financial institutions, academic institutions, and subnational authorities, including through the voluntary actions under the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action and the Sharm El-Sheikh to Kunming and Montreal Action Agenda for Nature and People, and their respective Champions;



5. Encouraging coherence and interoperability across data sources and data collection, metrics and methodologies, and voluntary reporting frameworks for climate change, biodiversity, and sustainable land management efforts, including through collaboration with international, non-governmental and private sector organizations, scientific and academic institutions, and indigenous peoples and local communities.


To assist in the achievement of these aims, we, the chairs of the assembled voluntary partnerships, initiatives and coalitions, commit to work with our respective secretariats (as applicable) and member countries to ensure each partnership, initiative or coalition enhances the coordination of country-focused actions, promotes the sharing of information, knowledge and best practices, and collaborates on capacity building efforts.[2] Doing so will maximize synergies among our actions, avoid the duplication of efforts, and ensure efficient use of our collective resources.


We will meet regularly to demonstrate and review our collective progress under this grouping of voluntary partnerships, initiatives and coalitions, and convene further high-level meetings, with the allowance of additional partnerships, initiatives and coalitions, at future UN Climate Change and UN Biodiversity Conferences.

* Endorsed following COP28.

[1] Adopted under the UNFCCC.

[2] Refer here for a statement of intent drafted by the secretariats of the collaborating partnerships, coalitions and initiatives in support of actioning this agenda.


Signatory Presidencies:

  • Federative Republic of Brazil
    UNFCCC COP30 Presidency, chair of G20 Global Land Initiative steering committee
  • People's Republic of China
    CBD COP15 Presidency, Chair of Action Initiative for Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
  • Republic of Colombia
    CBD COP16 Presidency, co-chair of NBSAP Accelerator Partnership
  • Republic of Côte d’Ivoire*
    UNCCD COP15 Presidency
  • United Arab Emirates
    UNFCCC COP28 Presidency, and co-chair of Mangrove Alliance for Climate

Signatory countries (*noting their roles as chairs/leads of select partnerships/initiatives):

  • Belize
    Co-lead of SIDS Coalition for Nature
  • Republic of Cabo Verde
    Co-lead of SIDS Coalition for Nature
  • Canada
    Chair of Nature Champions Network
  • Republic of Costa Rica
    Co-chair of High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People
  • Kingdom of Denmark* 
    Co-chair of NDC Partnership
  • Arab Republic of Egypt
    Co-chair of ENACT Partnership
  • Republic of France
    Co-chair of High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People
  • Federal Republic of Germany
    Co-chair of NBSAP Accelerator Partnership and ENACT Partnership
  • Republic of Ghana*
    Co-chair of Forest and Climate Leaders' Partnership
  • Japan*
    Sponsor of UNEA-6 resolution on synergies
  • Kingdom of Norway*
    Co-chair of High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy
  • Republic of Palau*
    Co-chair of High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy
  • Republic of Rwanda
    Co-chair of NDC Partnership
  • Independent State of Samoa
    Co-lead of SIDS Coalition for Nature
  • Republic of Senegal
    Co-chair of International Drought Resilience Alliance
  • Republic of Seychelles
    Co-lead of SIDS Coalition for Nature
  • Kingdom of Spain
    Co-chair of International Drought Resilience Alliance
  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
    Chair of Global Ocean Alliance, co-chair of High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People
  • United States of America
    Co-chair of Forest and Climate Leaders’ Partnership
  • ___________________________
    * Endorsed after formal launch at COP28


COP28 Joint Statement on Climate Nature and People