To facilitate operationalization of the objectives outlined in the COP28 Declaration on Climate, Relief, Recovery and Peace, governments and agencies are encouraged to contribute to an initial ‘Package of Solutions’. More information on the types of contributions can be found in the “Frequently Asked Questions” document included in the Declaration. 


The majority of Belgium's international climate finance goes to (i) adaptation, (ii) in Africa, (iii) through grants.


Belgium particularly invests in climate projects and programs that strengthen the co-benefits with biodiversity and sustainable forest management; that support resilient and climate smart agriculture and/or that promote sustainable urban development.


The pursuit for gender equality (SDG5) is as an important transversal priority integrated in these interventions.


Particular attention is paid to the link between climate, peace and security, as is for example the case in following ongoing or new projects:


1. a specific 5-year regional programme of 50 million EUR on Climate in the Sahel (2022-2026) as a contribution to the Great Green Wall for the Sahara and the Sahel by 2030. This portfolio aims to sustainably improve the living conditions of vulnerable populations in the Sahel through integrated management and restoration of natural resources and natural ecosystems in order to promote low-carbon, green, resilient and equitable socio-economic development.


2. Improving Climate Resilience in Refugee Hosting Districts in Kigoma Region, UNHCR, Tanzania. Protecting, conserving and restoring natural landscapes, while building community resilience and adaptive capacity. Budget: 4.000.000 EUR


Humanitarian operations directly interact with the environment and its natural resources.


In doing so, environment and natural resources often are under increasing pressure as humanitarian operations and services rely on nature-based resources including trees for construction timbers and fuelwood demands for cooking and heating power; water for various usages; and soil for shelters construction.



This project has a landscape approach, with a specific focus on protecting, conserving and restoring degraded ecosystems around the refugee camps, while protecting biodiversity and building community resilience and adaptive capacity.  The project will facilitate community events that encompass both refugees and host communities, including mass tree planting events in villages, in the buffer zone, around schools etc. Above BE-ODA project in Tanzania is complementary to the following Green Climate Fund project proposal in the Kigoma region.


To respond to increasing climate threats in Kigoma region, the Government of Tanzania Vice President’s Office (VPO), Ministry of Home Affairs through its Refugee Services Department (RSD), UNHCR and UNEP Programme have partnered to develop a proposal for a set of interventions that would support resilience in this region. The project aims to support adaptation through an integrated landscape ecosystem-based adaptation approach that enhances support functions of the ecosystem, supports livelihoods, and mitigates flood impacts in affected communities. Budget: US$ 23,618,646 of which US$ 4,611,292 is a co-financing contribution from UNHCR for the first three year of the project focusing on NRM and livelihoods interventions in the refugee camps.



3. In line with the principles of good humanitarian donorship, Belgium is committed to allocating 60% of its humanitarian budget to core and flexible funding and tries to enable its humanitarian partners to act rapidly and swiftly with dedicated allocations to forecast-based actions and anticipatory action.


Some examples of Belgium’s support are our support to the DREF (Disaster Response Emergency Fund) of the IFRC, to the CERF (Central Emergency Response Fund) of OCHA and the SFERA (Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities) of FAO. Belgium provides also humanitarian aid to forgotten and protracted crises, which are often caused or exacerbated by climate factors like droughts in Ethiopia or flooding in the Great lakes region.