Enhanced financial support for climate adaptation and resilience by:

  • IFRC Global Climate Resilience Platform: we are aiming to raise CHF 1 billion in financing by 2027 to support the scale up of local and community-based climate action in the most climate vulnerable countries and communities.
  • We commit to allocating 25% of our Disaster Response Emergency Fund (DREF) for Anticipatory Action.
  • We commit to growing our Disaster Response Emergency Fund (DREF) and its anticipatory action window to reach 100M CHF by 2025. This includes both grant funding and insurance to ensure that in years of great need, IFRC DREF does not run out of funds.
  • DREF supports a quick, efficient, and transparent way of getting funding directly to National Societies and local communities, including in the most vulnerable and fragile contexts, before and immediately after a crisis hits.

Understand and improve good practice and programming by:

  • Through programming in support of the IFRC Global Climate Resilience Platform: we aim to support at least 100 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies – of which over a third are in fragile and conflict affected situations – to implement climate resilient strategies, for local and community-based climate action by 2027. This includes ensuring resources, knowledge and skills are available to “last mile” communities.
  • We aim to support up to 500 million people to increase their resilience to the impacts of climate change and improve their adaptive capacities in the most climate vulnerable countries.
  • We are supporting 80 National Societies to engage in Anticipatory Action by 2025. Of the 25 National Societies currently being supported, 6 are in fragile and conflict affected situations.
  • As the Lead of Pillar 4: ‘Preparedness to Respond’ of the Early Warnings for All Initiative, we will work on scaling up actions in the designated 30 initial states – of which 10 are currently fragile and conflict affected situations.

Strengthen coordination, collaboration, and partnerships by:

  • In 2024, IFRC will establish, together with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA), a Secretariat to support signatories to the Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organizations, as a dedicated resource hub where good practice, technical knowledge, and lessons learned can be shared widely and accessibly cross the humanitarian sector as it scales up its response to the climate and environmental crises.